Supplier Registration Form

Please fill the Supplier registration form or Just Call / Whatsapp +9177700 25577.Time: 10 am to 6 pm (Mon to Sat)

Note : * Means these fields are compulsory.

Please enter your valid name here.
Please enter your company name here.
Please enter your designation here.
Please enter your valid mobile number here.


Please enter your valid mobile number here.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please provide a valid your address.
Please provide a valid city.
Please provide a valid district.
Please select a valid state.
Please provide a valid pincode.
Please provide a valid Pan Card Number.
Please enter your annual turnover.
Please enter your business since.
Please enter your business place since.
Please provide rent agreement period.
Please select atlest one from dropdown. here.
Note : If you have Referral Id, please enter in the above input box else keep it empty.

Do you have GST no.?

Please enter your GST number here.

Do you provide man power for work?

Please enter labour type here.

Do you have counter repair facility (if applicable) ?

Please enter name of repair here.

For example : electrical material, painting material, plumbing material, etc..

Please provide product details.

For example : Polycab, Finolex, Asian Paints, etc..

Please provide authorised dealer details.

Note: Registration fee for any one option(Home Place, Commercial Place, Industrial Place) is Rs900/-, any 2 options Rs 1600/- and all of three options Rs. 2500/-.

In Free Registration, you will get purchase order only if paid supplier is not available in your area.

Please select atlest one from dropdown. here.
You must agree before submitting.

Can you provide site delivery ?

Please upload your photo file here.
Please upload your shop photo file here.
Please upload your PAN file here.
Please upload your Electricity Bill file here.
Please upload your Bank statement or passbook or cancelled cheque here.
Please upload your dealership certificates files here.
You must agree before submitting.
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